Stateful Applications In Kubernetes (part 1): Credentials

After several years working in the container space, I still hear in a lot of sessions and meetings that Kubernetes is not meant for running stateful applications. Of course, stateless apps are a lot more easier, less challenging and disposable than stateful apps. But in the end, almost every useful application depends on data. Kubernetes is a great choice to scale up/down apps and adapt them to demand, but if a database/broker/other-stateful-app cannot scale similarly, we can guess where the bottleneck and the limits would be.

JMX on Kubernetes

Recently, I had a situation where I needed to introspect on the memory of a java program running on kubernetes. The usual procedure is connecting to the container, getting a dump, collecting this dump from a standalone laptop/host and analyzing it offline. However, I wanted to explore some other alternatives, so I would get here some additional techniques that can be used either from developers or for operations doing debugging or forensics.

What are mixins and how to add them to OpenShift (Rules and Dashboards)

Prometheus and grafana have been established as de-facto stacks for kubernetes cluster monitoring, at least in the upstream communities. Once a cluster has the stack available, kubernetes and other application components are exposing their metrics. There is a need to create curated alerts based on those metrics and dashboards that give a high level view of what is happening. There is an effort to create those artifacts in a templated way.