Monitoring Spring Boot embedded Infinispan in Kubernetes

In previous article, we explanined how to develop a microservice in SpringBoot that uses infinispan as spring-cache implementation. We exposed the actuator prometheus endpoint to check in our local environment that it was running right. In this post, we are going to use the actuator endpoint to scrape it with prometheus and create a grafana dashboard to monitor the performance. Initial Set Up in kubernetes We assume that we have our microservice already deployed on your kubernetes namespace.

Why some prometheus alerts in k8s can confuse

Recently I was installing a kubernetes cluster as I usually do for my tests. However, as those machines were bare metal servers that some colleagues have recycled, we decided to keep it running and try to maintain it by ourselves. First thing I did was a simple bot to send the alerts to a telegram channel. That was something I did not do in the past, because I do not care about monitoring as my clusters were ephemeral.

GitOps with ArgoCD and Hashicorp Vault on kubernetes

Last month I was picking my brain about GitOps and how this model fits with other kubernetes technologies like operators and backups. I decided to give it a try with ArgoCD. I created a private repo on GitHub, and started to set up everything. Suddenly, a thought came into my mind: I cannot store sensible information in a GitHub repo even if it is private and for testing purposes. So I started to dig into the alternatives using the links in the documentation.